Living in Resonance

Imagination Coaching for Life and Career

Imagination is a powerful solvent, it keeps things fluid and prevents the world from freezing up

Welcome from Massimo

I am a Life Coach by vocation, an Intuitive Artist by passion, and a Project Director by trade.

I am proud to offer you a unique blend of Life Coaching, Project Management and Creativity. I will inspire you to live your truth, and get into immediate action to walk on the path of your choice.

I invite you to explore my events and I'd love to hear from you, let's talk.


Career Coaching

Professional Identity

The pressure of the work-life commitments is intense, a strong magnet pulling you off road.

It's time to protect your dreams, and stand up for your needs.

Career Coaching

Life Coaching

Find Your Inner Artist

Your mind is your canvas, your thoughts and feelings are the brushes and the colours.

Creativity gives a voice to the sides of your personality that are not heard, a line of communication between conscious and unconscious.

See what you can't see.

Life Coaching

What People Say

"I was instantly impressed with Massimo's communications. Everything from email structure, the meeting portal, the session itself, and the follow-up was incredibly professional, well executed and detailed. It became clear very quickly that I was working with someone who had a huge amount of coaching experience under his belt and had refined all of the very best working practices into his model."

-Glynn Ryland, CEO ShaktiMat GmbH

"Massimo, your coaching style is unique, you are so gentle, kind yet challenge the group at times to explore new ways of seeing the world. I see you as Massimo the Magician with a bags of tricks that unleashes our souls in a way unpredictable to ourselves."

-Rowena T - Creative Coaching Group

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