Hi, I'm Massimo
Coach and Artist, London UK
My mission is to awake your imagination by tapping into your innate creativity with my personal style, blending Life Coaching and Intuitive Arts. Lean into your intuition to change your life.
A Passionate Belief In
Imagination as a powerful solvent of emotions
Intuition and getting out of the head
Creativity to access self-generating wisdom.
An optimistic view of the world with individuals more integrated and whole
Areas of Coaching
My Coaching covers 3 areas: Life, Career and Imagination

Feeling Alive
Life Coaching
The Traditional Life Coaching is at the heart of my approach across all areas. It starts with the existential questions to unearth who you are and how to live an authentic life.
Then we will work together to set the direction of travel with stretched objectives and positive accountability.
Learning and actions are inseparable partners.

Working in Resonance
Career Coaching
"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do" - Rumi
My career coaching stems from my 3 decades of experience in organizations, knowing first hand how challenging is to balance career and life.
I will help you to rediscover and stand up for your dreams, navigating your business skillfully

Find Your Inner Artist
Imagination Coaching
Your mind is your canvas, your thoughts and feelings are the brushes and the colours.
Imagination Coaching gives a voice to the sides of your personality that are not heard, a line of communication between conscious and unconscious.

Where I Coach
I coach in my private Imagination Studio in Southwark (SE1 Central London) dedicated to 1-1 sessions and creative group events. It's a safe and fun place designed for creativity and self-expression. I also provide on-line sessions on request.
Imagination Studio

Group Events
In-person events and workshops for small groups to experience the unique blend of Visual Arts and Life Coaching

London Events
In-person special events pr workshops for small groups at the Imagination Studio or at the great Museums of London. Unique experiences with Visual Arts and Life Coaching

Start Your Transformation Today
Book your free call with Massimo right now, let's talk and see if the chemistry works for you. If not now, when?
What People Say
"I was instantly impressed with Massimo's communications. Everything from email structure, the meeting portal, the session itself, and the follow-up was incredibly professional, well executed and detailed. It became clear very quickly that I was working with someone who had a huge amount of coaching experience under his belt and had refined all of the very best working practices into his model."
-Glynn Ryland, CEO ShaktiMat GmbH
"Massimo, your coaching style is unique, you are so gentle, kind yet challenge the group at times to explore new ways of seeing the world. I see you as Massimo the Magician with a bags of tricks that unleashes our souls in a way unpredictable to ourselves."
-Rowena T - Creative Coaching Group